This online version of the AQF3 Chemical Accreditation Course gives you the chemical safety training you’ll need to achieve or renew your ChemCERT Card, while learning at your own pace.

You’ll still have access to our highly skilled industry-based trainers who can answer questions and help guide you through practical exercises. For example, you’ll be required calibrate a piece of hand-held equipment such as a knapsack, drench gun or injectable.

The aim of this course is to raise awareness of the potential hazards and risks associated with pesticide use and to provide practical information on the safe handling and application of chemicals.

It is nationally recognised, valid for 5 years and qualifies you to legally use S7 chemicals unsupervised (requirements may differ from state to state).

Get industry updates
Minimise Chemical costs caused by local resistance and spraying issues
Limit spray drift & improve spraying outcomes

Students MUST read the Student Handbook and agree to the ChemCert E-Learning Policies

Practical Demonstration Requirements

There are practical demonstrations required to complete this course.
Please click on the following link to find out more.

Hardware and Software Requirements

Please click on the following link to find out about the extensive requirements.

Std data charges apply when not using wifi.

You MUST provide a unique and valid email address

Online students will be processed ready for course login by COB, if enrolled before 3pm EST Monday-Fridays only.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy Requirements

We require all students to be a minimum of 16 years old and to have a reading level of a year 10 student. If you are unsure of your ability to complete the course we recommend completing our Learning, Literacy and Numeracy Quiz.


In most states your Chemical Accreditation needs to be renewed every 5 years.

If you have a current ChemCERT Card, or certification from another training organisation covering units AHCCHM304 or AHCCHM307*, or if your accreditation expired less than 6 months ago then you are a refresher student and need only apply for Re-Accreditation.

You will need to show your ChemCERT Card or other certification to the trainer on the day of your course.

*The previous unit AHCCHM303 has been superseded by AHCCHM307

Transport and store chemicals
Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases

For information on how to apply for ACUP and/or COL in Victoria and/or ACDC in Queensland please see your specific State legislation.

  • Safe transport and storage
  • Understanding chemical application issues