Student Info
Your Unique
Student Identifier
To enrol in a ChemCERT Course you must provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This is issued by the Federal Government and creates an online record of all your training and qualifications attained in Australia. If you don’t already have one or can’t remember what it is, you can apply for or confirm your USI here.
Confirming your course
After you have enrolled, you will receive an email confirming your course and giving you all the information you’ll need to get started. Online Course confirmation emails are sent by the end of the following business day. Face to Face Course confirmation emails are sent the Wednesday the week prior to the course. If there are any issues, we will call or message you.
Paying for your course
As ChemCERT is a not for profit company, we are committed to keeping our fees competitive. Any fees and charges will be advised before you commence the course. We prefer upfront payment upon enrolment, or an invoice can be generated for employers or companies.
You will not receive your ChemCERT Card until we have received full payment for the course. So to prevent delays with your documents we recommend you make your payment no later than the day of the course.
Applying for a refund
A student may apply for a refund, to cancel or transfer their course in accordance with ChemCERT’s P7 Payment, Cancellation and Refund policy. It is important to read and understand the policy prior to making a request.
Students requesting a refund, cancellation or transfer must contact ChemCERT over the phone on 1800 444 228 or via email to
ChemCert reserves the right to apply the Australian Consumer law as required or approve refunds at their discretion.
State Lockdowns
When lockdowns occur in any state classes may be cancelled depending on the restrictions imposed. Students will be informed of cancellations as soon as possible from the time lockdowns are announced.